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Carl McCann presides over the group’s activities as Executive Chairman and leads our long-term strategy together with the executive management team. Our day-to-day operations are led by Chief Executive Officer Rory Byrne, Chief Operating Officer Johan Lindén and Chief Financial Officer Jacinta Devine.
Dole plc is organized around a segmental structure that is led by executives with extensive industry experience who are recognized as amongst the best in the fresh produce sector. Each segment has built a strong management team and culture, focused on accountability and delivery of results. The business segments are supported by specialist corporate functions.
The Board has appointed a Lead Independent Director, Rose Hynes. The Lead Independent Director presides over all executive sessions of independent directors and coordinates activities and communications between the management and independent directors. They also have the responsibility to serve as a liaison between independent directors and the Chairman, communicate with major shareholders as appropriate, and review and approve scheduling of Board meetings and executive sessions.